Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Book Raving #8

Hi guys!  Another book raving.  I've just finished reading this book called Boys are Dogs by Leslie Margolis.  It's about a girl named Annabelle.  She and her mother are lived in a small apartment when Annabelle's mom gets a boyfriend named Ted Weeble but Annabelle calls him Dweeble.  Annabelle and her mother decide to move into Ted's house but Annabelle isn't so happy with the change because it means leaving her best friends Mia and Sophia.  As a gift when she and her mother move, Ted gets Annabelle a dog that she names Pepper.  The dog came with a training manual.  When Annabelle goes to school and meets some new friends which she likes but she also meets some boys who she definitely doesn't like.  They all call her names like Spamabelle, Spazabelle and Spaz which she definitely doesn't like but they keep on teasing her.  She decides to put a stop to it so she goes to her manual and figures out that boy's minds function just like dog's.  She finally gets the boys to stop teasing her.  This is a very good book and if you read it I hope you guys enjoy it

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